All characters, images, illustrations and text are Copyright 2024 and other dates Turtel Onli.  
They are not to be reproduced or remixed in any manner or re-purposed without written permission from Turtel Onli. 
ONLI STUDIOS offers free shipping for orders of $20.00 or more.

1200 West 35th Street
Chicago IL 60609-USA

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Beyond the mainstream!  You will love how ONLI STUDIOS takes full advantage of the  Graphic Novel medium to produce the innovative storytelling and diverse character development that smart fans deserve. 

Our Rhythmistic character, "NOG: The Protector of the Pyramides", was featured in the Museum of Contemporary Art , Chicago,  Summer & Fall 2021 historic group exhibition: "Chicago Comics: 1960 Until Now!' Curated by Dan Nadel

Onli with his "Cool Globes"  work,"Itz A Rhythmistic World", at the Chicago Museum Park launch. Cool Globes are a traveling public art exhibition promoting ways to overcome global warming for a more sustainable world.
The" Rhythmistic Bench" is part of the permanent functional art exhibition at the Chicago Children's Museum.
ONLIWEAR presented this "Denim Art Stars" installation at the Smithsonian 
affiliated DuSable Museum of Black History and Educational Center, Chicago.
Prof. Onli presenting Rhythmism as a Future-Primitif approach ot the visual arts during a recent C2E2  Comic-Con in Chicago.
LINK to Onli / NOG / MCA Day art demo. LINK to Logan Center of The Arts Exhibition Turtel Onli & 30 Years of the Black Age of Comics.
Educators, Curriculum Coordinators, Scholars, Reading Specialists, Students, Coaches, and serious fans of the growing indiependent movement and the trending Afrofuturism genre will be excited and pleased to learn that ONLI STUDIOS LLC has successfully renegotiated its long productive relationship with the Trading Post Gift Shop of the DuSable Museum of Black History, Chicago.  

The DuSable Museum is located at 5700 South Cottage Grove in Chicago near the prestigious University of Chicago campus.

They are selling this expanded line of Rhythmistic Graphic Novels, Comix, and Curriculum Guides which includes activity books on "Going Green" and being sustainable in the urban setting, horror, conflict resolution, the stimulation of creativity, "Color Me BRONZEVILLE" Activity Book, "East/West Zodiac" activity book-Journal that compares & contrasts the Asisan and Western Horoscope systems, along with historical fiction.  

All books are packaged in reusable archival plastic at no extra charge. Many include highly valued, rare, free Rhythmistic over-sized Trading Cards as ONLI STUDIOS' show of appreciation!

Exciting and appropriate for the classroom, library, community center, or home. 

They are highly collectable due to their limited press runs and unique innovative ground-breaking content.

The Trading Post Gift Shop of the DuSable Museum, Chicago is the only place in the USA where all of these amazing indie Rhythmistic Graphic Novels, Comix & Activity books are sold! 

Chicago Public School educators and other professional educators have been going there to use their reimbursable funds to purchase these titles for their classes and resource centers adding an intelligent creative boost during these exciting times. 

 Prof. Onli often says: "A positive fantasy life is the foundation to a positive reality! This includes historical fiction and positive conflict resolution."

Fear No Graphic Novel!!!  "Drawn For The Rhythmic Zone" is 132 pages of powerful thought provoking images and sequential illustrations in bold Rhythmistic Black & White. A Rhythmistic  multi-platform tour de force! 

A picture is still worth a thousand words! There is no text in this book. The reader must supply the narrative by channeling their inner creative writer. This book is the perfect partner to "Tales From The Rhythmic-Zone".

It brilliantly stimulates inter-active thoughtfulness, opens expansive mindfulness and real participation on the part of the smart insightful reader.  It's fun and engagement beyond the printed pages via its links to animation & spoken word reels beyond the narrow limits of most mainstreamed Graphic Novels.

The next Rhythmistic evolutionary step from the artiste called "The Father of the Black Age of Comics."

"Drawn For The Rhythmic Zone" features spoken word, Music, Experimental Animation and Visual Stories related to the central characters from ONLI STUDIOS!

There has never been a Graphic Novel like this! 
                    All for a mere $20.00 a pop!!! 

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From Prof. Onli's  important "No Evils" exhibition / residency. "As The Sirens Sweetly Sang" narrates humanity as the steward of the Ecology as they tend to endangered sea creatures during a recent oil spill. This 30"H X 120" W oils on museum profiled canvas Rhythmistic masterwork.
These complete  Rhythmistic visual art collections come as Residencies or Exhibitions perfect for Museums, Campus Life Enrichment, and  Cultural Centers. Activity Directors, Curators, Museum Directors, Academic Departments, Art Expos, Collectors and Critics will appreciate the time, rigor, and power Prof. Onli has put into each dynamic timeless body of Rhythmistic Fine Art while still being open to input to better serve your visual arts needs.
Onli is that rare visual artist whose practice includes Fine Art, Major Market Illustration, Wearable Art, Art Education and Art Therapy. It is noted that many celebrated high profile Fine Artists claim to be influenced by comics, cartoons or Graphic Novels, yet they never have worked in those areas. The notion of "High Art" versus "Low Art" was never a criterion for Onli's lifelong passion and dedication as a prolific Rhythmistic Future-Primitif Visual Artist. He coined the term "Rhythmism" in order to give a place to his and kindred artistic expressions that featured aspects of being Future-Primitif in nature, context or content. Typically these artists do not name an "ism'. For instance, Picasso did not name Cubism. Van Gogh did not name Impressionism. Nor did Dali name Surrealism. For that matter Afrofuturism was not coined by Sun Ra. 

However Prof. Onli has given the Art World this "ism". "Rhythmism", as a Future-Primitif approach to the visual arts its name, brand and foundation.
"The War For Planet NUBA" is available via our Graphic Novels tab. It comes in an archival plastic bag with our highly valued over-sized Rhythmistic Trading Cards.  
Free shipping in the USA!  $20.00
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